Every real estate property owner has received or will shortly receive a tentative property assessment. The last time Delaware County went through a total reassessment of its real estate was twenty years ago. The Notice you received, or are about to receive, is critical. Look at the date of the Notice, as you only have ten business days from the date of that Notice to ask for an informal review. On your Notice you will receive the telephone number to call, or an online site, to set the appointment. The phone number is 888.773.7056. The online site to schedule an appointment is: tylertech.com/DELCO (http:\\tylertech.com\DELCO. When you call, you will need your parcel number and zone, which are printed in the upper right corner of the letter you received. The real estate assessment is supposed to be 100% of your Fair Market Value as of July 2019. The final assessed values will be sent to all taxpayers by July 2020. If you still disagree, you can ask for a formal appeal. Be careful. The normal deadline is August 1st . Due to the expected volume of appeals created by the reassessment, this date may be extended. You file the formal appeal through the Delaware County Board of Assessment Appeals. You will then receive notice of your formal assessment appeal hearing which will take place before three members of the Board of Assessment Appeals. You will be granted approximately ten to fifteen minutes. You must submit your evidence and you have the burden of proof to show that the Fair Market Value assessed by the County is incorrect. This is normally done by a formal real estate appraisal. You can also show the values of similar properties in your neighborhood. Following the review by the Board of Assessments you will receive a decision. If you are still dissatisfied, then you can file an appeal with the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas. The Delaware County website has some useful information and forms for appeals. Go to http://delcorealestate.co.delaware.pa.us/DelcoReassessment as well as http://delcorealestate.co.delaware.pa.us/Treasurer/AppealsFAQ.html.
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